GraphQL Development

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Looking for GraphQL developers?

Founded in 2014, Rocket Lab is a local software engineering team based in Sydney & Melbourne.

Our team of designers & developers are experts in GraphQL API development. We have embraced GraphQL early on and believe it is one of the best languages to build APIs.

Our team of javascript enthusiasts are always looking to use the latest technology to provide our clients with the very best. We have been building mobile apps and websites using Javascript for over 7 years now.

We have extensive experience in mobile app development and API development. We are able to guide you through the technology and platforms available to get the best possible mobile app based on your budget, timeline and features.

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GraphQL Development FAQs

What is GraphQL?

green triangle

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries by using a type system you define for your data. It was developed by Facebook in 2012 before being publicly released in 2015.

GraphQL is designed to make APIs fast, flexible, and developer-friendly. It fundamentally changes the way data is fetched from a server. Unlike traditional REST API that requires loading from multiple URLs, GraphQL APIs get all the data your app needs in a single request. You can think of it as a more efficient way to design, create, and consume APIs.

Why should I consider GraphQL?

a nice green triangle

Considering GraphQL for your project comes with several compelling benefits, particularly if you're dealing with complex data systems or need fine-grained control over your API's data retrieval capabilities. Here are some reasons why you might consider adopting GraphQL:

Efficient Data Loading: GraphQL allows clients to request exactly what they need, not more or less. This can significantly reduce the amount of data transferred over the network, leading to faster loading times and a better user experience, especially in mobile scenarios or areas with slow network connections.

Single Round-Trip Requests: Unlike REST APIs where you might need to make multiple requests to different endpoints to fetch related data, GraphQL can gather all the data you need in a single query. This reduces the number of network requests, decreasing latency and improving app performance.

Strongly Typed Schema: GraphQL is based on a strongly typed schema. This means that the API's structure, including types, fields, and operations, is defined in advance. This can help with validation, documentation, and autocomplete functionalities in IDEs, making development faster and reducing errors.

API Evolution without Versioning: With GraphQL, you can add new fields and types to your API without impacting existing queries. Clients can simply ask for new fields when they're needed, allowing for smoother evolution of your API over time without the need for versioning.

Real-Time Data with Subscriptions: GraphQL subscriptions support real-time data, enabling clients to automatically receive updates when data changes. This is ideal for applications that require real-time functionality, such as chat apps, notifications, or live data feeds.

Frontend and Backend Team Efficiency: Frontend teams can query for exactly what they need without depending on backend teams to provide specific endpoints. This can lead to faster development cycles, as backend changes are minimised when frontend requirements change.

Better Tooling and Integrations: The strongly typed nature of GraphQL and its introspection capabilities have led to the creation of excellent tools and integrations for both developers and clients. These include graphical interactive explorers, code generation tools, and automated documentation generators.

Community and Ecosystem: Since its release, GraphQL has gained significant traction and has built a large community of developers and companies that contribute tools, libraries, best practices, and support.

Considering these advantages, GraphQL can be a powerful choice for many applications, particularly those that require complex data operations, are under active development with changing data needs, or need to optimise network performance for mobile users.

Anything else I should know about GraphQL?

a nice green triangle

While GraphQL offers many advantages, there are also important considerations and challenges to be aware of when deciding to implement it in your projects. Understanding these can help you make a more informed decision and prepare for potential obstacles:

Complexity in Query Depth: GraphQL queries can sometimes become too nested or complex, which may lead to performance issues. This is known as the "N+1" problem, where a query might inadvertently request a large amount of nested data. Implementing query depth limiting and efficient data fetching strategies on the server side is crucial to mitigate this.

Rate Limiting and Security: Unlike REST APIs, where you can easily rate limit requests to specific endpoints, GraphQL's single endpoint approach makes traditional rate limiting more challenging. You'll need to consider more sophisticated approaches, such as analyzing query complexities and costs to prevent abuse and ensure the API's security.

Caching Strategies: Caching with GraphQL can be more complex than with REST. Since clients can make highly specific queries, it's harder to cache these responses. Solutions often involve more client-side caching and sophisticated server-side strategies like persisted queries.

File Uploads: GraphQL doesn't natively support file uploads in the specification. Handling file uploads requires custom implementations or leveraging third-party libraries, which can introduce additional complexity.

Learning Curve and Ecosystem Integration: For teams new to GraphQL, there's a learning curve involved in understanding how to design schemas, resolve queries, and manage security. Additionally, while many tools and libraries support GraphQL, integrating with existing systems or third-party services that expect RESTful interactions may require additional effort.

Operational Complexity: Deploying and maintaining a GraphQL API can introduce complexities in performance monitoring, logging, and error handling. Because GraphQL requests use the same endpoint and HTTP method, distinguishing between different operations in logs and monitoring tools can require additional configuration.

SEO Concerns: Single-page applications (SPAs) using GraphQL might face challenges with search engine optimisation (SEO), as crawlers have traditionally been better at indexing content served directly from server-side rendered pages. Although this is mitigated by modern search engines and server-side rendering (SSR) solutions, it's an area that requires attention.

Over-Reliance on Clients: While allowing clients to specify exactly what data they need can be powerful, it also places more responsibility on client-side developers to understand the data model and write efficient queries. This can lead to potential inefficiencies if not managed properly.

In summary, GraphQL is a powerful tool for API development, offering flexibility, efficiency, and a strong typing system. However, its adoption should be carefully considered in the context of your project's specific needs, your team's familiarity with the technology, and your willingness to invest in the infrastructure and tooling required to support it effectively. Balancing its benefits against these considerations will help you make the most of GraphQL in your applications.

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